have babies, will travel!

living in europe provides us with a very unique opportunity. here, i will chronicle our travels and the trials and triumphs of travelling with babies.

-specific to places and things i want to do while living in europe-

  • austria-vienna
  • switzerland-interlaken, geneva, lake geneva and chillon castle, rhine falls
  • germany-munich, black forest, berlin, konstanz, hamburg 
  • czech republic-prague
  • belgium
  • netherlands
  • france-strasbourg, nice, paris
  • italy
  • UK
  • sweden
  • finland
  • spain
  • monaco
  • canary islands
  • barefoot paths 
  • palma de mallorca
  • meditereanean cruise


There are a few things that make travelling with a baby easier, and a pack and play is not one of them! Here are some items that have helped us with Cora:

ErgoBaby Carrier

KidCo Peapod (note: the older version was recalled, but the newer version has been redesigned, very well.) it folds down small enough to fit in our pack and is incredibly lightweight.


Prince LionHeart Scooter  for scooting all over!

City Walks with Kids includes 50 walking tours printed on heavy duty cards, with maps and descriptions of each tour. For the Dora in your kid! Let's check the map!

Crumple Map Junior check the map, then jam it in the bag. indestructible and imaginatively illustrated. a great way to spot major city highlights and keep the kids entertained. 

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