Sunday, January 20, 2013

calendar DIY

we are getting busy again. the holidays are over, the baby is starting to assimilate better (seriously, night and day, these two kids!) and we are finally starting to resemble actual people again. 

which means, i need to get organized. 

i am on a rampage-i've been scouring pinterest and blogs for organizational ideas, planning my weeks (in advance!) and trying to get a good routine down on freezer meals, so that dinner time goes more smoothly. 

i am a big fan of having a calendar centrally located so everyone can get on board with what i have planned knows what is going on. but i am not a big fan of generic calendars, or those hang up ones with kittens on each page. in the past, i have made calendars through pictures places, and i particularly LOVE this one

but i also realize that not everyone wants to purchase a calendar starting at $29.99. while i spend way too much on kids clothes and food (hello...schnitzel and doner kebab. oh yum!), i am a cheap-o when it comes to home decor. i like making most of it myself. 

a few years ago, i made a dry erase menu for the kitchen, complete with a pocket on the back for recipes. 

then i made us a dry erase board to write our crossfit WOD's on and record our times, reps and rounds, so we could do it quickly. 

(i don't have any pictures of that because it is down in our basement, hidden away.)

now, i have been working on a simple, cute calendar to hang in a central area to help keep us on task! 

here is mine. very simple. but i like it. it has a space to write in the week, and then areas to write in what we have going on during the week including a little notes section. 

and a yellow version: 

i'll just slip it into a frame and viola! dry erase! 


on a much cuter note, someone has started to become very cheery lately. i can't get enough pictures of this little munchkin! we go in for her 2 month appointment on the 29th, more than 2 weeks past the 2 month mark! 

now we are off to play in the snow!! i have never seen so much snow in all my life and i am so in love. it's supposed to now another 2-4 inches tonight, and joel has tomorrow off, so i fully anticipate sledding all day tomorrow (making 4 straight days of snow play!).

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